
Terms and Conditions

 This Blog is moderated by a Retaining Wall Design representative who reserves the right to exercise editorial control over posted content. By submitting a comment to the Blog, you understand and agree that we may post your comment in its entirety, in an edited version, or not at all. Any editing will be done primarily for purposes of clarity, length or deletion of offensive, inappropriate, or potentially defamatory material.
Comments or opinions expressed on the Blog are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed by outside contributors do not represent the views of Retaining Wall Design , its management or employees. We are not responsible and disclaims any and all liability for the content of comments written by outside contributors to the Blog.
You represent that comments posted by you on the Blog will not defame, compromise the trade secrets or confidential information of, or violate the copyright or other intellectual property rights of, any third party. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold site  harmless from and against any claims, losses or liabilities based on a violation of the foregoing representation.
All posted comments become the property of Retaining Wall Design Site. By agreeing to posting your comment on the Blog, you acknowledge and agree that your comment may be reused by us or quoted in other media and might be attributed to you by name.
We sometimes link to outside Web sites that are related to the Blog discussion and that we believe may be of interest to you. These links are not provided for the purposes of marketing or advertising, and we are not responsible for the content or practices of other Web sites.
The Blog moderator may include information about, and links to, other content and information that may be of interest to you and are related to the topic of the Blog.
We reserve the right to change Blog procedures and these Terms and Conditions at any time.